Friday, June 09, 2006

Street Treasures

The footpaths of Marrickville just give and give. I have collected so many things - my garden chairs, a huge rectangular 1940s mirror, a couple of waste paper baskets, this cast iron candelabra, a complete computer (it worked momentarily), a dog bed, not to mention all the firewood... the suburb is a cornucopia of riches for the picking; all you have to do is look. I don't go in for dumpster diving myself - I like serendipity - but no doubt it's a worthy pastime. Reverse Garbage in Marrickville has been dedicated to recycling unwanted goods for 31 years!


Matthew da Silva said...

When I lived in West Pennant Hills the council cleanups gave lots of goodies. I found two bookshelves and a bedroom side-stand, all of which I still use. Not that I've moved to Campsie -- which is just down the road from you, Meredith -- there's not so much on offer. Just lots of shopping trolleys discarded by the wayside and little piles of garbage. On Bexley Road, where I live, it gets pretty on-the-nose occasionally.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dean,
I like your blog... Well, Marrickville gets a bit on-the-nose occasionally too, but its because of the big sewer stack rather than piles of garbage. You should come and drive slowly through Marrickville sometimes & see what you find!

Anonymous said...

Footpath stuff is fun!
But I really wanted to comment on that cat in the photo, it's a doppelganger for my cat, Drew!
