Saturday, February 17, 2007

Empty Space

There's something very comforting about a spare room, don't you think? It's a place of possibility, a room unencumbered by the demands of lounging or sleeping, dining or cooking, washing, working, or even getting from one place to another, like the hallway. Since Hugh went back to live in the country I've reclaimed our spare room. I don't like to fill it up much - its appeal is in its emptiness. Teenagers crash there, my friend Zoe spends the occasional city-night, and I've set up a craft table. I've been going into the spare room lately to zone-out when there's too much going on in my brain. Like today, trying to write a piece about death & memory for Sarsaparilla, I wandered in and did this with the scissors & some glue. It's a card for Ruby, who's 17 tomorrow.


JahTeh said...

There's no such thing as a spare anything in this house. I can't even put up a TV tray without it becoming a tip. My coffee table has a tray on it filled with bits and pieces and if anyone comes I pick up the tray and hide it under the chair. I don't know why I didn't think of it years ago.

Anonymous said...

Somehow my junk always expands to fill whatever spare spaces I might have.

BwcaBrownie said...

'Scissors+glue +a brain' just craps all over Photoshop anyday. It's gorgeous and she will love it.

A spare room stops one from 'gpoing spare'. It is where you dump the washing straight from the clothesline to wait till you can deal with it; it's where you dump EVERYTHING when a Quick Tidy Up is required; and it's where you can hide with a book from pointless visitors.

Pants said...

Fantastic card. Definitely worth having that spare room.

Anonymous said...

I've got a spare room, I think it's spare because no one sleeps in it...except for my cat, who thinks it's his room. Aside from that, a spare room does offer a different energy.

That's a pretty card, unique.