Thursday, November 29, 2007

Young people today, my oh my

Goodness, the things you hear on the 423 bus if you get in with the after school crowd. Two boys in school uniform, about fifteen years old. One tall with dark curly hair, the other small and blonde. They stood near where I was sitting, and there was a spare seat next to me. The tall one said to the small one, "stand here, beautiful." My ears pricked up - did he really say that? - was he talking to the other boy, or is there a girl around? - or did I hear wrong? Then the little blonde one said to the tall curly-headed one "Why don't you sit down?" To which his friend replied quite clearly and seriously "I'm not sitting down unless you can too, my love."

Sunday, November 25, 2007

aowh... the day after

we are not well we have a headache there was partying and screaming and joyous whoops and the house was chockers and we ate a huge lebanese feast and people dressed up and someone vomited and the dog ate it before we could stop her and everyone was glued to the teve and maxine looked so radiant and delighted, and julia so pinkly pleased & modest. One of them will be Australian Prime Minister eventually but kevin will do for the time being.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh God, I left the blog on the bus!

Not really, I've just been horribly busy. The end of semester rushed at me like a monster. Luckily my students were a ridiculously talented bunch and their final projects made everything worthwhile. Ruby finished her HSC exams on Thursday. She was incredibly well prepared but it was still quite stressful. I made endless cups of soy hot chocolate for her & helped a little with English preparation, but I'm useless with anything like Biology. Now she has schoolies and her year twelve formal coming up...

Toby the rat is all better. His foot will always be deformed but all the infection is gone and the skin has grown back. He lost weight while he was injured and his brother Billy is now nearly twice his size. We get Toby out on his own and feed him chocolate and nuts so he can get his strength back.

We're having a party! It will be on election night and the theme is "Don's Party" (although I hope the election outcome will be different to the one in the play). People have to come dressed in "Australian suburbia, 1969", hehehe. I'm searching for a crimplene pants suit for myself and a body-shirt for Richard. Fingers crossed there will be good reason to pop the champagne. Go Maxine! Go Julia!