The Carriage Held But Just Ourselves
I've started a new blog over the road at wordpress (blogger is great, I just thought I'd try something different). It's a bit more personal than Marrickvillia... so please come to visit at, I'd love to see you. Marrickvillia is almost an old lady now in blog-years: she is out to pasture but I will visit her often -- in fact, there is a review of a new book set in Marrickville on my stovetop as I type...
If anyone would like to write something for Marrickvillia please feel free: reviews, commentary, politics, festivals, found objects, crime, culture, transport, food -- anything -- so long as it's about Marrickville, obviously.
See you around the layers of webbiness...
Ooh, great news!! anything by yourself is subscribed immediately, marm. And Marrickvillia will remain as an extensible, rich volume for savouring. That's a pretty fine deal.
I'm sorry I've found your website so late in the piece, but I'm enjoying it a lot. For what it's worth I'm always blabbing on about Marrickville in my own little gardening blog, called Garden Amateur.
Nevertheless, you've now given me many new pages to read with interest when I get the chance, and I'll drop in on the new blog to check that out, too.
Cheers, Jamie
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