The most lovely Fedeterranean Home in Marrickville?
I can't believe I've been walking past this house for years and never noticed how lovely it is. Perhaps it's because Spring has arrived that it caught my eye - the garden is delightful. Part of me loves the order and prettiness apparent here although I know I could never achieve these heights myself. See more photos in this set on my flickr account.
This is a great blog! I'm a relatively recent Marrickville resident [2 years?] having moved in from the Blue Mountains. Your blog has shown me how little of this little suburb I've explored!
I particularly enjoyed the little "reviews" of the shops around here. How do you go about talking to the shopkeepers? Do you identify yourself as an academic/whatever or just start friendly chats?
My partner tried to comment here the other day but the system failed her, let's see how this goes...
Hi Kristian,
Well I know some people who moved from Marrickville to the Blue Mountains, but you're the first I know to have done it the other way around. Welcome! I tell the shopkeepers that I'm writing for a blog. Most of them don't know what that is... so I just say "internet" & that seems to do the trick. I always ask if it's ok to quote them & put their pictures up.
Great house, Meredith.
What about doing a post on that guy who recently put his cigarette out in a baby's face, while the poor bub was just sitting in his stroller. It's not really Marrickville, but close enough (Dulwich Hill?): the corner of Illawarra Road and New Canterbury Road. There's a pub there on the corner that would make a great backdrop.
Gosh... I seem to have remained blissfully unaware of that particular incident. Where was it reported? I did a quick google but didn't find it.
Hi Meredith,
Here's a couple of stories:
If you put 'cigarette child dulwich' into Google, you'll get it all.
And it wasn't Illawarra Road, it was on the corner of Marrickville Road and New Canterbury Road.
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